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Firm Spotlight: Ignite Spot Shares Their Tech Stack

Dan Luthi from Ignite Spot joined us for a firm spotlight on April 11th, 2023 and we had a blast! 

A little bit about Ignite Spot

Ignite Spot has been in business for 15 years with 26 team members, and between 250 and 300 clients! They focus on small businesses and do bookkeeping, accounting, and fractional CFO services. Dan loves working on the tech side and is in a number of partnerships and councils.

Internal tech stack overview

Dan’s internal tech stack includes Hubspot, Karbon, Rippling, Keeper and Google. A question to keep in mind when choosing your internal stack is “what problem needs to be solved?”  Since expanding, and becoming more of a U.S based Firm they were having difficulty managing technology and log-ins within the team. They actually had to hire a full-time person to manage this and switched to Rippling’s PEO. Rippling has made life so much easier for Dan’s team members. He recently had a team member move to a new state and they went through with her to make sure everything was compliant in her new state, as well as making time off requests easier and viewing team members. Did you know that Rippling offered these IT Services? Heather stated she didn’t know either!

External tech stack overview

Dan’s external stack includes QuickBooks Online,, Divvy, and Liveflow. They launched Liveflow in their firm this past year, they are using it for more advanced reporting for their clients. One of the main reasons they picked Liveflow was it integrates with google sheets and automatically updates on an ongoing basis. They work with their clients on a weekly basis instead of a monthly basis which is why this ongoing updating is crucial for them! With other reporting apps they had used they found that their clients were sometimes getting lost in the charts and graphs and this has helped them keep track of their data a lot better!

In this episode, we covered other apps as well and how he utilizes them. Be sure to watch this episode so you can learn how this tech stack works!

If you’re interested in learning more about Rippling and Liveflow, be sure to check out their websites, or you can watch the episode by visiting our website or on YouTube!


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