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Kelly Gonsalves Shares Her Tech Stack

Kelly Gonsalves from Totally Booked joined us for a firm spotlight on May 23, 2023, and it was the best time!

A little bit about Totally Booked

Kelly has 20 clients and her niche is E-commerce. She actually didn’t plan on doing E-commerce; she just fell into it when she was looking into the tech that she loves! Kelly enjoys how close everyone is in our community and how everyone is there to support each other. Being able to ask questions and bounce ideas off of each other really is empowering. 

Internal tech stack overview

Kelly’s internal tech stack includes 1Password, which she has on her phone, and Chrome extension. HoneyBook is her CRM, Google is her go-to for her calendar, email, etc.  Timeular is a Bluetooth device that you can write up to 8 tasks on and flip to the task you are currently working on to keep track of time!  She is using Zoom for her meetings, Slack for messaging, and SaneBox for email management. Sanebox is an AI-driven filter for your inbox. It is looking at your inbox, looking to see who you get a lot of emails from, and what folder they should go into, you can move things around to retrain it to make sure future emails are going to the right box.

External tech stack overview

Kelly’s external stack includes Liscio which she uses to communicate with clients, QuickBooks is her “center”, Motion is her project/task management, which also has a mobile app that she can add to at any time. Dialpad is her 2-step authentication and has a direct integration! Zapier she is using when there isn’t an app for what she needs to do, build it out in Zapier. She is also using it when someone searches for her in QuickBooks to find a pro advisor, a zap gets sent to them to schedule with her. Corpay she is using for A/P. Synder she is using on a daily basis! E-commerce clients connect their marketplaces back to QuickBooks through Synder.  They offer 2 ways of importing the data, Journal Entry, or the client can choose to do a pro-transaction sync. Synder offers 39 integrations and still going! They also have “Smart Rules” which is the ability to sync transactions to the class they should be automatically.

In this episode, we covered other apps as well and how she utilizes them. Be sure to watch this episode so you can learn how this tech stack works!

If you’re interested in learning more about these apps, be sure to check out their websites, or you can watch the episode by visiting our website or on YouTube!

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