‘Appy Hour Blog

The Era of Intelligent Accounting

The Era of Intelligent Accounting

Five hundred years ago, Benedetto Cotrugli invented double-entry accounting. The mid-1800s brought about the first mechanical calculator. In the 1970s, VisiCalc, the “visible calculator,” was the first spreadsheet computer program. And for the past decade, cloud...

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What is ADP Marketplace?

What is ADP Marketplace?

This digital HR storefront offers human resource solutions that give you and the clients you serve access to advanced tools and technology to seamlessly integrate your clients’ ADP platform to over 450 apps. ADP Marketplace offers flexibility to meet your company's...

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COVID19: Right Networks Creating a Remote Workplace

COVID19: Right Networks Creating a Remote Workplace

Avoid an office shut down and convert your team to a virtual workforce It’s time to put on the fuzzy slippers and go to work. Yep, there is no reason to leave your home office when you have created a virtual workspace. With so many resources at our fingertips, we can...

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What is Workflow Management?

What is Workflow Management?

Article by Sarah Sivesind, Aero Workflow What is Workflow? A very simple definition of workflow is “input + process = output.” If we expand on that a little and make it specific to the accounting industry, we can say that workflow means organizing resources and...

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