What is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? For most of us, when someone says AI we think to Hollywood's vengeful robots that plot to take over humanity. There will always be the Hollywood portrayal of Artificial Intelligence but in our modern-day society,...
Featured App
What is ADP Marketplace?
This digital HR storefront offers human resource solutions that give you and the clients you serve access to advanced tools and technology to seamlessly integrate your clients’ ADP platform to over 450 apps. ADP Marketplace offers flexibility to meet your company's...
Liz Chooses Commerce Sync for Importing Clover Sales into QuickBooks Online!
It's exciting to find a solution to an ongoing puzzle! So why am I so excited about Commerce Sync? As many of you know our firm www.AccountingLifeline.com focuses on eCommerce clients. We often are asked by our accounting peers and clients to create systems for...
Best of Both Worlds: QuickBooks Desktop and Apps in the Cloud
By Right Networks Continued success in the accounting industry is not getting any easier as professionals try to navigate through demographic, technological, social, and economic shifts. “Busy season” has gotten even busier, (Tax Season 2019 boasted a record number of...
Data Migration Made Easy with Transaction Pro
Migrating data from one QuickBooks company file to another QuickBooks company file is easy with Transaction Pro, for both the desktop and online versions. Some examples of when data migration is necessary is starting a completely new company due to a buyout or merger,...
Backup Your QuickBooks Online Data with Rewind
Making a backup of QuickBooks Online is with the right tools. Rewind for QuickBooks lets you create a backup Rewind individual transaction or your entire QuickBooks data file.